Flutter vs Xamarin: Which Cross-Platform App Development Framework is Better for Startups?

September 28, 2021

Welcome to the battle of the "Flutters" and "Xamarins". If you're a startup looking to develop a mobile application, you must be wondering what cross-platform app development framework to choose. With so many frameworks available in the market, it can be a daunting task to select the perfect one. In this post, we'll compare two of the most popular frameworks: Flutter and Xamarin.

Flutter vs Xamarin: Overview

Let's start with an overview of each framework.


Flutter is a mobile app SDK for building high-performance, high-fidelity, apps for iOS, and Android, from a single codebase. It uses the Dart programming language and is developed by Google.


Xamarin is a free, open-source platform for building Android, iOS, and Windows mobile applications. It uses C# and .NET and is developed by Microsoft.

Comparison Criteria

To help you decide which framework is better for your startup, we'll compare them based on the following criteria:

  • Performance: How fast and reliable is the app?
  • Development Time: How long does it take to develop an app?
  • Community Support: How large and active is the community?
  • Cost: How much does it cost to develop an app?


When it comes to performance, Flutter has the upper hand. It uses a reactive programming model and has a built-in widget library, which makes it faster than Xamarin. Flutter's hot reload feature makes it easier to fix bugs and enhance the user experience. Xamarin does, however, have good performance due to its native APIs and the use of C#.

Winner: Flutter

Development Time

Flutter's development time is shorter than Xamarin's, thanks to the "write once, run anywhere" feature. With Flutter, you only need to write code once, and it will work on both Android and iOS. This means that you can develop an app in half the time it would take using Xamarin, which requires you to create separate code bases for Android and iOS.

Winner: Flutter

Community Support

When it comes to community support, Xamarin has a larger and more active community than Flutter. Xamarin has been around for longer and is developed by Microsoft, which is why it has a better developer community. Xamarin has a vast array of plugins and libraries, which makes development easier.

Winner: Xamarin


Both Flutter and Xamarin are free to use, but when it comes to scaling, Flutter is more cost-effective. Flutter's "write once, run anywhere" feature means that you only need to develop and maintain a single codebase, which will save you money in the long run.

Winner: Flutter


In conclusion, both Flutter and Xamarin are excellent cross-platform app development frameworks, but Flutter takes the crown for startups. Flutter's performance, development time, and cost make it the perfect choice for startups looking to develop mobile applications. Xamarin has a larger community that provides great support, but Flutter's advantages outweigh that.

We hope this comparison helped you make an informed decision about which framework to choose. Remember that your choice of framework ultimately depends on your specific requirements and project constraints.


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